Types of instant paints

Types of instant paints

Shibrang instant paints are divided into two groups: instant wood paints and instant car paints.

Instant paint for wood

These paints are based on alkyd and nitrocellulose resins, and their main advantage is their high drying speed. Painting with these paints is easy and the ability to apply the next layer is good. Due to their good adhesion, they are easily absorbed by wood. To prevent the penetration of the primer and top coat into the wood, a sealer or putty should be used, and after the sealer or putty, the primer and top coat are used. In some wood applications, all-polyester varnishes and paints (standing) are used to create a very high-gloss polished surface.

Instant car paint

These paints are based on nitrocellulose resin and have a high drying speed. Very good optical stability and UV resistance, no yellowing, good moisture resistance, and excellent adhesion and gloss are considered to be the advantages of these paints. These coatings are used as a primary coating on the working surfaces of various vehicles and vehicles.

Application of instant paint

Applications include coating wooden structures of buildings, tables and chairs, and furniture, and covering decorative items of the home. They are also used in painting the undercoating of cars.

Drying time of instant paint

The drying time of this type of paint is very fast, and the drying speed depends on factors such as air temperature, ambient humidity, solvent quality, and spray thickness.

Storage conditions

Like all chemicals, it must be stored in specific and safe conditions, the most important of which are: Keep away from direct sunlight, and close the product lid tightly after use.

Safety and hygiene tips
Contact with skin and eyes is harmful.
It is a respiratory irritant and inhalation of vapors is harmful.
It is harmful to water and sewage systems.
Keep out of reach of children.
Use only in places with proper ventilation.
Use gloves, safety glasses, and a mask.
If swallowed, call emergency medical services immediately.

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