About Partfam Industrial Group

Part Fam Industrial Group

Siklomeh Paint Company (Partfam) was established in 1977 with about half a century of experience in the field of producing various types of paints and coatings for automobiles, industrial, construction, traffic, protective, thermal, types of thinners and adhesives and other chemicals as one of the most up-to-date manufacturers of paints and chemicals in eastern Iran, and as a subsidiary of Partfam Industrial Group.

Partfam Company holds the title of Associate Laboratory of the National Standards Institute of Iran, ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016 certification in the management system and nanoscale approval for 14 groups of products, and is also proud to have earned the title of Level 1 Knowledge-Based Company in the field of producing various types of electrodeposition (ED) paints.

The story of the beginning of a dream

The history of the company’s establishment and achievements at a glance


September 1977
September 1977

Establishment of Partfam Company

Siklameh Paint Company (Partfam) started its activities in 1977. This company became a subsidiary of Partfam Industrial Group (one of the largest manufacturers of automotive parts in Iran) in March 2007.

March 2012 to 2017
March 2012 to 2017

Obtaining standard certificates

ISO 90001 (1391)

ISOTS 16949 (1395)

IATF 16949 (1396)

Year 2022
Year 2022

Setting up a powder coating line

Year 2023
Year 2023

Obtaining Nanoscale Certification –

(ED) Launching Electrodeposition Paint Line –

Year 2023
Year 2023

QC and R&D Construction and launch of new laboratory

ED Monitoring of paint production –

Our Honors

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IATF 16949 Certificate

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

R&D Certificate

Nanoscale Certificate

Nanoscale Certificate

ISO Certificate

Dear members of the board of directors of Partfam Company

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Long live Iraj Yazdanbakhsh
Long live Iraj Yazdanbakhsh Founder of Part Rubber Industrial Group
Soheil Yazdanbakhsh
Soheil Yazdanbakhsh Chairman of the Board
Hossein Yazdanbakhsh
Hossein Yazdanbakhsh Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mohammad Noormohammadi
Mohammad Noormohammadi Managing Director

What does the word "cyclamen" mean?

Cyclamen is the name of a flower in Persian.

Partfam Company Vision

A wise, dynamic, and innovative organization committed to stakeholder satisfaction and recognized as the most reputable automotive paint supplier in Khorasan Razavi.

Our organization's missions

Partfam Paint Company, a manufacturer of various industrial paints, automotive coatings, thinners, adhesives, etc., strives to meet the needs of the domestic and foreign markets and achieve maximum satisfaction for its stakeholders.

Customers who have trusted us

نام وب سایت : توضیحات کوتاه برند در اینجا تایپ کنید.
نام وب سایت : توضیحات کوتاه برند در اینجا تایپ کنید.
نام وب سایت : توضیحات کوتاه برند در اینجا تایپ کنید.
نام وب سایت : توضیحات کوتاه برند در اینجا تایپ کنید.
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