The Ten-Point Ethical Charter of Part Lastic Industrial group
- At Part Lastic, I have learned that Iran is my homeland, and I will spare no effort in building my house.
- Part Lastic belongs to me; it is a symbol of Iranian determination, intellect, and love. I have grown with Part Lastic and will work to enhance its global reputation.
- At Part Lastic, I have learned to stand firmly on my own feet, with the unique perseverance and spirit of innovation of the Iranian people, passing this legacy on to the children of this pure land.
- At Part Lastic, I have learned to take pride in my profession because I know that creating is a virtue, production is a form of worship, and development is the most pressing need of our homeland today.
- At Part Lastic, I have learned to hold myself accountable to my country and to prevent the wastage of my nation’s wealth.
- At Part Lastic, I have learned that “where there is a will, there is a way,” and that through wisdom, dynamism, innovation, and satisfying stakeholders, we can build a globally respected organization and bring honor to Iran’s glorious flag.
- At Part Lastic, I have embraced my mission toward Iran, continuously learning as though I am in a university and never ceasing my efforts for a brighter tomorrow.
- At Part Lastic, I have realized that success lies in thought, effort, perseverance, and patience, and that the rare jewel of achievement is born from knowledge and a love for service.
- Part Lastic represents a part of Iran’s future—a future that belongs to my children, a future shaped today by our collective dedication and action.
- With a clear conscience, I pledge to serve the goals of Part Lastic as a faithful soldier and fulfill a small part of my national duties within this sacred institution.
God, guide me on this blessed path.