social responsibility

Statement of Corporate Responsibility Policy – Partfam Paint Manufacturing Company


With over 40 years of experience in producing paints, adhesives, thinners, and other chemical products, Partfam Paint Manufacturing Company remains committed to fulfilling its corporate responsibility through adherence to the following principles:


  1. Ethical Business Practices:

Implementing an anti-bribery policy applicable to all employees at every organizational level.

  1. Support for Ethical Standards:

Establishing codes of ethics that all staff must adhere to in the workplace, including:

  • Respecting organizational regulations
  • Avoiding time wastage
  • Maintaining personal grooming and conduct
  • Exhibiting courtesy in speech and behavior
  1. Support for Whistleblowing Policies:

Ensuring job security and psychological safety for employees who expose unethical practices, negligence, financial corruption, or other misconduct.


The management of Partfam Paint Manufacturing Company, while declaring confidentiality regarding customer information, is fully committed to upholding and supporting the Corporate Responsibility Policy. It expects all employees, by understanding these obligations, to assist in achieving the goals of this policy

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