

Numerous suppliers collaborate with Partfam daily, helping us achieve our plans and goals in areas such as sourcing raw materials, providing transportation services, and establishing various forms of communication.


More than 150 suppliers from Iran and other countries assist us annually in producing coatings and products.


How Suppliers Collaborate with Partfam


The Commercial Department of Partfam has established a supplier database to expand its supply chain and identify potential partners and suppliers for collaboration in company projects. Reputable and capable domestic and international companies interested in working with Partfam can register in the supplier database as follows:


  • Step 1: Interested applicants should carefully review Partfam’s website to ensure their area of expertise aligns with the company’s needs. To request registration as a supplier, applicants can follow the link provided below. It is highly recommended to read the registration guide, as it clarifies many potential questions.
  • Step 2: After completing all required information in the supplier form and finalizing the “Submission and Registration” process, the Commercial Department of Partfam will evaluate the information and assess the applicant’s qualifications. Incomplete forms or missing mandatory attachments will prevent the submission process from being finalized. Moreover, completing all requested forms and attachments impacts the final evaluation score of the supplier.
  • Step 3: Once the above steps are completed, the Commercial Department will determine the applicant’s status. If the supplier meets the necessary criteria, their name will be added to Partfam’s supplier database. Afterward, the Commercial Department will invite the approved supplier to begin collaboration on fulfilling the company’s requirements.


Suppliers can also visit the Contact Form section, select the subject “Supplier Database Membership Inquiry”, or contact the Commercial Department directly at 0513550 to check the latest status of their registration in the Partfam supplier database.


We strive to ensure that all components of our production chain align with our values.

Contact Information Form

Supplier information registration form

Company name(Required)

Additional specifications

Information Registration Guide Dear Supplier: Please note that the real or legal name registered in the form above (Contact Information) will be automatically assigned a dedicated profile in Diacopars Company. Therefore, if you are a legal supplier, please register the exact company name correctly.
Raw materials:
Select the type of items.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB.
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