Customer Support & Training, after sales service

Our goal is to support customers with high-quality products and services based on the minimum cost. Some activities of our customer support team include:

  1. Training Sessions:
  • Recognition Paint & Coating Systems
  • Identifying Paint Defects
  • Technical Consultation on Protective Coating Systems
  1. Support Channels:
  • Phone, Email, and In-Person Assistance
  1. Execution department: Our team comprises design, supervision, and implementation professionals, ensuring optimal project delivery.

For flooring systems:

Usually, flooring with different thicknesses has different applications.

  • 1 mm thickness: Dust prevention.
  • 3 mm thickness: Integrated and smooth surface to provide high resistance to corrosion, erosion and penetration
  • 4 mm thickness: Used in places that require high mechanical resistance.
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